Morning Meeting Fun!!!

By George:

Tuesday: I am feeling great today.  It was a great start at Morning Meeting.  We did a lot!  We started with weather which is really cold right now. After the weather report by Nick, we did push ups.  We were listening to the September song "Ba De Ya" while we did classroom jobs.  That song made me feel happy. Then we watched a story about harp classes.  You can watch that story here:
CBS Sunday: How the harp strikes a chord with Atlanta youth.

Than we went downstairs for O.T. Fitness. I feel it's going to be a great day!

By Clare:

Monday: On Monday morning Mr Keane put on the song called September. September is a good upbeat song to start the morning in Pathways. Then after morning meeting, students harvest lettuce from the hydroponic tower. We picked and cut the lettuce off the hydroponic tower. We used four bowls to put all the lettuce in. Monday morning was a lot of fun! During Something New Something Different we watched a video clip about a boy skiing downhill. I guess this video took place in Colorado. His name is Ralph Green. He went skiing with one leg. Also, we learned about new CCHS staff member Nico Calabria. He is in the video playing soccer. 

Nico's Amazing Goal

Ralph Green Team USA
One skier's uphill battle

Tuesday: On Tuesday morning while cleaning up the classroom, we played September again for fun because we had a fun clean up day! After clean up fun day, we watched a video about harp class. The harp class video was great! I hope to watch this video again! 


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