Goodbye to Logan

By: Lauren Pileeki
Farewell Logan Marshall

On Friday Pathways students, friends, and staff gathered to say farewell to one of our many hard-working students, Logan Marshall. We celebrated Logan’s send off to Sunny San Diego with chocolate cake and root beer, two of Logan’s favorite treats! Logan joined Concord-Carlisle High School after moving here in August. Although Logan’s time at CCHS was short, it was successful and memorable. In just five months, Logan built relationships with several students and staff and gained various new skills in both academic and vocational pursuits. Logan is a lover of animals and people and enjoyed his time volunteering at Buddy Dog, Goodnow Library, Drumlin Farm, Acton Food Pantry, and Discovery Museum. Logan was a great addition to the Pathways program as he has great sense of humor and showed up to school everyday happy and with a smile on his face. Many of us in Pathways learned so much from Logan as he reminded us everyday to have fun, smile, and “just go with the flow” no matter what life brings us! Although, we will all miss Logan, we look forward to hearing about his new school and future successes in San Diego! 


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