Storms, Science & School Store!
Former Pathways tutor Mrs. T (Ms. Henderson) moved to North Carolina over the summer. She sent us the following message:
Day 4 of the hurricane, so far we are all safe and sound. School are closed for safety precautions. Miss you guys!
We opened a new section of Monday meeting - SciFri! We want to keep ourselves curious and excited every day so we will post one science question every Monday, and review and discuss it on Friday. Everyone is encouraged to write their answer and drop it in the envelope. Also we encourage everyone to bring questions to Pathways from their science classes. Get ready for questions on Earth Science, Nature, Biology, Chemistry, even Astronomy!
Our first question presented by Clare is: Why does a year consist of 365 days and a day of 24 hours?
School Store is stocked up!
Please stop by and check out the goodies for sale. After school, Monday thru Thursday, 2:41-3:15 PM outside Room 201!
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