Hydroponic Season!
By Clare:
For hydroponic 2019-2020, students in Pathways started to put strawberry plants in the hydroponic tower! We checked the pH of water solution and level of water in our towers. A pH scale is to measure how acidic or basic a liquid is. pH is a number from 0 to 14. From 0 to 7 are acids, with 0 being the strangest. We don't want to be too acidic (too low) or too alkaline (too high). There is an optimal pH level for the nutrient solution when growing strawberries. This is generally in the range of 5.8-6.2. I am very exited about new plants.
🌼 🍓Thank you Mr. Stanton for buying new plants; strawberries, watermelon and flowers for us 🍉 🌸
Strawberry Leaves |
Flower Plant |
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