First week of Pathways Summer!

Wow! First week of Pathways summer and we have so much to share! 

First meeting - Breaking the Ice

OT Exercise with Ms. Ring!

 Getting Ready for the JFK Library 

On Tuesday, students researched different exhibits and presented the items that would be found in them.


 George is checking the PH and water level for Hydroponics 

 At the Museum!

 The Flag from PT-109 torpedo boat during Lieutenant John F. Kennedy's command in 1943 and JFK's passport application.

The suitcase used by JFK on the road while campaigning in 1960, and his cabinet room chair. 


 Castle Island Lunch


Today we watched and then discussed two inspirational videos. You can watch one here:

EVERYDAY - The Most Inspirational Video You'll Ever See
The happy secret to better work

Jack's 20th Birthday was on Monday!

Enjoy the weekend!


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